So, we are just sitting here living. A friend of mine and I were speaking in regards to “Day by Day”.  Which led me to some interesting thoughts. These thoughts took me to this song. Which I can’t really say, I was in the mood for, but I appreciate the song. 

Then I realized, we were praying, and I was really cool with that. 

Love, devotion, the love you give. Powerful stuff. 


But then, I left there…and went here. 

But the truth was, my mind, wasn’t in that space per say, I just really like the song. But this new artist FKJ, is something special. He gives me inspiration for many days. 

Some of us wake up every morning, really working on a “Dream”. A lot of us, spend a lot of time “talking about” the dream. However, action is EVERYTHING. Management of time, is EVERYTHING. I learn this lesson daily.  Due to my lack of “being the early bird”. I suffer at times. It happens. But I will get there, even if I take the scenic route, I will get there. 

Whatever you want to do, the truth is, if you “think” about it…you CAN achieve it. Or else, you wouldn’t have thought about it. 

Jen Lyles
Jen Lyles

Welcome to my Party! By trade, I am Entrepreneur. In life I am the “Lead Ignitor”. This means, I get things “started”, in motion, moving forward in a great direction! I am in fact “Living the Dream”. So, since I live mine, I like to help people with theirs. Let's Party!

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