It’s 4th Quarter 2016. The years are going to pass by regardless. When you are living the dream. The dream comes with “hurdles”. That’s just the way it is. If you are a person that needs to earn an income to live (Just about everyone in the free world matches this demographic, even strippers work). The key to ALL of this is, you simply just cannot stop! I’ve learned this over and over again. If you believe it, “The Best is Yet To Come”. This can be your truth.
We will never get today back. So we must use EVERY ounce of it. Some people’s dreams move a little faster than others. How do you “speed up” a dream? You increase your work and consistency. In all of the recent books I’ve read, these people worked HARD. They have been dead, but their “work” still speaks for itself.
It is my belief that each of us are sent to this Earth with a Purpose, a Mission, a Dream and a “Spiritual Gift” to achieve this dream. What happens is, just like a video game, it’s “levels” to this life. What can stop your dreams? Sin, Distractions and Demons. Some will say “What do you mean Demons?!?” Don’t think in the context of “an evil spirit”. Think in the context of “something that causes a person to have a lot of trouble or unhappiness”.
I don’t think many people talk about this in the true context of life and business. But it’s true. For some, money itself is a “demon”. The love of it, the chase of it. The “order” of it all. For others, it’s their vices, for some it’s another human being. No “demon trumps a demon”. #AllDemonsMatter, Why? Because no matter WHAT the Demon is, the result is the same. It keeps you away from your purpose, mission, dream and goals.
How do you defeat demons? Unbreakable Focus, TRUE BELIEF in a “Higher Power” that can “save” your soul. Most importantly, belief that you CAN and WILL defeat the Demons. Will Power. We must ALL “Will our Power”, lest we will have a will-o’-the-wisp.
Cheers to the Dream!